True friends are hard to come by in my life. I just don't need the casual relationships that most people have with others. I have them but i consider myself to be independent and as such i have a very small amount of close friends. I have no problems with this whatsoever. In fact, i rather like that. I am a quality not quantity type of person. This next band is made up of one of these close people that i consider to be in my small group of true friends. Now we may not always keep in contact with each other but we have a mutual respect for each other and the decisions that each of us have made. This person is Brian Thibodeau. He is a creative genius! If you want to see what i mean then take a look at his artwork that can be spotted all over Richmond. Also check out his blog that has his works and his thoughts on the things he feels are important to him in this messed up world. Brian has always inspired me to live my heart and never to follow. He is a self made man. He will see what he wants and he will work at it until he can obtain that. And that is a rare trait that i feel a lot of people lack.
I have chosen to post his music for my next posting because i feel that, just as with, all the other bands on my blog that he is not represented enough on the web.
PoHM stands for Prisoner of Her Majesty. This music is just one of his many creative outlets. I truly love the music for what it is. I have had these songs for many years and i still listen to them and fall in love with them each time i listen to them. I love them for their rawness and their look into the mind of this man. He has told me to say that PoHM is an ongoing project and that more music is on it's way. I have included the cover for his Debut album called Century of War. The album i have is the Disengaged EP. The track listing is as follows.
Disengaged EP
1. Choices that Show
2. Suburbanites
3. Sunday Drive
4. I want to be your painter/ a lullaby
5. Creepy Crawly
6. Get a new Car
7. Curses
8. Time Comes to Depart
I have also included a two song preview of Century of War.
So check it out and let me know what you think.
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